Just a lil throw back of our very first article which was published just literally 4 days we went to start our operations.
Alhamdulilah for the strong support of our customers and our own Divas.
This may be like a story tale but being an employer to these lovely ladies – am very very fortunate to still have the Diva who started with me from day one. .
She is the very one out of the twelve I had called in for interview who had faith in what I was trying to build. .
Who says you cannot have faithful local workers. My Divas are the true example of loyalty. Am mighty proud of each & every one of them.
For sure being an employer- you will have few bad apples; that is part of the process. However, through persistence and ilmu – you will end up having the best employees who will trust you and believe your vision. .
There may be others who try to copy what we do but the one very thing that no other competitor can imitate is the very essence of being a ‘Diva’ itself and what it stands for. .
Alahai; melarut-larut plak coretan aku nie…haha.. anyways, good night to our Divalicious customers and a very special doa for my Divas is set for you all tonight.